What We Do

We are a small family history association that collects membership dues to help care for the Polley family cemetery plot on FM 539 in Wilson Co., Texas.
We aim to host a family reunion every few years to bring together the community of family and friends that care about the history and stories of this great Texas family.
The Polley Association also seeks to aid the owners of the Polley Mansion, also known as Whitehall, wherever possible, in their goals for the clean up and restoration of the once proud homestead. The home is privately owned, but there is a non-profit organization, Friends of the Polley Mansion, available for all who would like to contribute to the restoration fund.
And last but not least...we tell stories! We are a group made up of descendants and local history experts that love to keep the history and tales of the Polley family alive in our hearts and share these stories with anyone we meet!