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Orange Wash (1860-unknown)

Quilt square of green and red fabric representing turkey tracks.
Orange Wash, "Turkey Tracks"

Solomon and Rachel Wash were the parents of Orange. After Solomon’s death in 1870, Rachel married Cato Morgan on 16 October 1873.

Bernice Louise Hartfield remembered Juneteenth celebrations where “we spent all day at the neighbor’s farm by the cemetery where Zion Fair Baptist Church is. We’d get under the trees in the shade. People would play ball and cook calves on a stick. Some people made their own wine. It was near the Carter store on property owned by Orange Wash.”

Orange Wash married Anne Stevenson around 1885. They had eight children: Kate, Cato, Connie Estella, Murray, Harriet, Orange, Jr., Celeste, Seles, and Clara.

His quilt square is “Turkey Tracks.”


This biographical selection is from The Enslaved People of J. H. Polley Plantation, Whitehall, Sutherland Springs, Texas 1836-1865. The collection is the work of independent scholar, Dr. Melinda Creech. Dr. Creech compiled and presents a biographical sketch of each of the enslaved along with a unique historic Texas quilt for each individual since photos of the 28 enslaved are not available. The collection is available to view in person at the Sutherland Springs Historical Museum.

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