Hurricanes, Freezes, and Floods: Early Texas Weather
A brief description of some of the hazardous weather events in Southeast Texas in the early 1800's affecting the Bailey and Polley families

When did Britt Bailey come to Texas?
How journals of Napoleon Bonaparte loyalists on a Pirate-owned island help us to date Britt Bailey's arrival in Texas

200 Years Texan
We are celebrating a bicentennial milestone in the Polley Association this year! The James Britton Bailey family arrived on the shores of Te

Polley Family Tree at Your Fingertips
We are very excited to introduce to you the Descendants of Joseph Henry Polley & Mary Augusta Bailey guidebook. If you ever wondered...

Polley Association Website
We are excited to announce that the Polley Association now has an online home! One of the goals of the Polley Association is the...
Edith Smith & Dorothy Smith
A brief description of the two wives of James Britton Bailey and the mother and step mother of Mary Augusta (Bailey) Polley.

James Britton Bailey
Short Biography of James Britton Bailey, Texan Pioneer.

Jonathan Polley
A brief description of Jonathan Polley, husband to Rachel Hubbard and father to Joseph H. Polley, Texas Pioneer.
Rachel Hubbard
Brief description of Rachel Hubbard, wife of Jonathan Polley of Whitehall, New York, and mother to Joseph H. Polley, Texas Pioneer.

Joseph Henry Polley
Biography of Joseph H. Polley, Texas pioneer, member of Austin's Old 300, and legendary cattle rancher, whose historic stone mansion sti