The Polley Association Announces New President
After ten years of dedicated service, Melanie Goeth has stepped down as President of The Polley Association. We would like to thank her...

Uncle Bubba (1779?-1878?)
Biographical sketch of Uncle Bubba, an enslaved man of James Britton Bailey in Brazoria County.

Joe Cato Morgan (20 November 1873-16 February 1970)
Biographical sketch of Joe Cato Morgan of Wilson County, son of Cato Morgan.

Jack Robinson (1822-unknown)
Biographical sketch of Jack Robinson, an enslaved man at Whitehall

Theodore Henderson (1838-1904)
Biographical Sketch of Theodore Henderson from the Enslaved Peoples of J. H. Polley, Whitehall, Project by Dr. Melinda Creech.

Anna Wash (1867-unknown)
Biographical sketch of Anna Wash, of Wilson County.

![Matilda [Bird] [Nious] (1827-1892)](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/c68e7d_e2abce50ae8540279424ca93ba8d3096~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_325,h_244,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/c68e7d_e2abce50ae8540279424ca93ba8d3096~mv2.webp)
Matilda [Bird] [Nious] (1827-1892)
Biographical sketch of Matilda Bird Nious, an enslaved woman at Whitehall.

Josie Nious (unknown dates)
Biographical sketch of Josie Nious, an enslaved woman at Whitehall.

Bill Robinson (1827-unknown)
Biographical sketch of Bill Robinson, an enslaved man at Whitehall.

Anna Henderson (unknown dates)
Biographical Sketch of Anna Henderson, an enslaved person at Whitehall.